Public’s Recognition of and Trustinthe Judicial Decision-making
中文关键词:  司法公信力;司法认同度;司法信赖度;法律认知;实验法学
英文关键词:  judicial credibility; public recognition of the judiciary; public trust in the judiciary; judicial cognition; experimental legal study
林喜芬, 陈齐等, 秦裕林  
摘要点击次数: 5480
全文下载次数: 24
      Conducting studies on the judicial credibility from an interdisciplinary perspective of law, psychology, and communication science would reveal the cognitive attitudes of the public towards judiciary in the digital era and is conducive to the understanding of the relationship of the public and judiciary at a deeper level. With a cognitive-experimental method, 1,326 subjects under different informational conditions were prompted to judge the formal confusion of trademark in 50 different cases. The experimental data and statistical results indicate that the public exhibits relatively high recognition of and trust in judicial judgment, and the media’s opinions on legal issues affect the public’s judgment to some extent. However, the influence of judicial verdicts on the public’s judgment is generally stronger than that of the media. By combining questionnaire research and cognitive experiments, the research shows that subjects not only expressed strong demands for judicial authorities to better solve the issue of trademark infringement, but also displayed a strong appreciation of the judicial value of achieving greater fairness and justice. According to the regression analysis, these two factors can significantly explain the subjects’ trust in judicial judgment. It further means that judiciary can enhance the credibility as long as it better addresses the public’s urgent concerns and enables the public to have a deep experience of fairness and justice.
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