Approaches to Procuratorial Supervision over Effective Administrative Judgments in the New Era
中文关键词:  行政检察;检察监督;行政生效裁判;行政争议实质性化解;国家治理现代化
英文关键词:  administrative prosecution; prosecutorial supervision; effective administrative judgments; substantive resolution of administrative disputes; modernization of state governance
章志远 华东政法大学 
摘要点击次数: 249
全文下载次数: 1
      In the past five years, administrative procuratorial supervision with Chinese characteristics has been continuously expanding in terms of scope and means, and its unique role in comprehensive law-based governance has become increasingly prominent. At the same time, it also faces such practical problems as lack of normative basis and insufficient supervision resources. In the modernization of state governance in the new era, China should comprehensively deepen administrative procuratorial supervision by adhering to the principle of attaching equal importance to the law-based performance of duties and active yet steady expansion, and handle every case of supervision over effective administrative judgments with high quality and efficiency. To provide comprehensive and effective judicial protection for the right of administrative litigation, procuratorial organs should adhere to the principle of lowering the level of prosecution conditions, actively expand the forms of supervision over erroneous rulings of not docketing a complaint or dismissal of a complaint, and enhance the ability of the state to absorb and resolve administrative disputes. To achieve the unified and correct application of administrative legal norms, procuratorial organs should proficiently use the methods of interpretation of meaning and purpose, continuously expand the forms of supervision over erroneous application of laws and regulations, and enhance the capacity for upholding the unity of the socialist rule of law. Starting from the concept of adhering to the leadership of the Party and unifying “the three effects” in law enforcement and case handling, procuratorial organs should establish a mindset of compatibility between law and politics, continuously expand the form of integrating legal principles, common sense, and reason into the supervision over effective administrative judgments, and enhance the ability of the state to settle disputes and shape a law-based society. The development of the system of procuratorial supervision over effective administrative judgments can further enrich the procuratorial practice of implementing Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and contribute more administrative procuratorial power to Chinese modernization.
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